

Knitting impacts the world around us.

If you have ever given a hand knit baby sweater to a first time mother you know what I mean.

Make a pair of mittens and deliver them to a homeless shelter in winter. You won’t just see the smiles on the faces of the recipients but those working there will be moved. Trust me on this. A scad of 8 to 10 year old girls and their mothers did this with me 10 years ago and my heart was overcome by the experience.

A sweater, mittens, prayer shawls… we can easily understand the joy these knitted gifts bring.

Now consider the joy, delight and happiness a hand knit washcloth can bring.

Wait? What?

w a s h c l o t h

You, Dear Reader have the power to help by simply knitting a square.

 What I am saying is: I do not want an old towel to take an opportunity away from me to do something kind!

A Medical Team dedicated to helping local community centers in Haiti will be leaving my hometown in a few weeks. They sent out a request for washcloths: “You can grab an old towel and cut it in to small squares for washcloths” it was said. My heart hurt at this request. My community of knitting friends and I can make a washcloth, a clean, fresh washcloth and share something much, much better.

I am not saying an old towel ripped up wouldn’t serve a purpose. What I am saying is: I do not want an old towel to take an opportunity away from me to do something kind!

Why not use an old towel and cut it up?

Let me share with you quickly what this makeshift washcloth is for, or more appropriately, Who this is for…

IMG_1824 Each person that comes to the clinic can receive a hygiene package. Things in that kit help meet very basic needs that people in this devastated area have. They receive soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, band-aids and a washcloth. Personal hygiene and malnutrition are areas these volunteers can help and do so quite easily. Simple acts of sharing food and showing how to clean and care for woulds make a difference. They DO make a difference.

So please consider the simple washcloth. A square. Knit it in garter with two strands of sturdy cotton held together and you can have it done over a cup of coffee.

A simple square. Simple for you to knit or crochet.

A toothbrush and toothpaste. Could you consider grabbing one of each from your local Mart?

The Medical Team has at present these needs: washcloth, toothbrush, tooth paste.

Can I challenge you towards one donation? Can I encourage you to share this opportunity with others?

The question earlier was: Why not use an old towel and cut it up?

Because I am a knitter! I do not settle for rags. And if it is in my power, others do not need to settle for rags.

I can share myself with these people in need. I can join in with my two hands.



Imagine what I could do if I busted my ass a little? Really dug deep? Stopped knitting for myself during a tv show for just one day?

What could I do?

What difference could I make?

I am not sure. But I know I am about to find out.

Will you join with me?

If not in knitting or crocheting, perhaps in sharing this opportunity? Sharing it takes no effort at all. Click a share button a few times today and make a difference. Some of us really are too busy to knit or crochet at present, but we all have 5 second to repost, retweet, embed this….

#SimplySeptember can be a simple way for us to change somebody’s life.

I am so freaking excited right now I want to knit a ton of these things.

Knit now and HEAD HERE for info where to send them and the timeline.


{photos provided by Medical Team members with permission to share here}


27 thoughts on “#SimplyShare

  1. Dyanne Diaz-Piedra says:

    I just finished a super squishy bee stitch wash cloth. Will happily send it down with a few other goodies!

    Sent from my iPhone Dyanne Diaz-Piedra



  2. Pingback: The Generosity of Knitters & Crocheters

  3. Pingback: Trapeze, Calliope, and a KAL | knitcircus

  4. Oh Mel–thanks so much for your post and sharing this story with all of us. I definitely will help! And I’m going to ask some friends to help with brushes and toothpaste. A little group of us are making dishcloths in the Simply Notable group, and I’m going to challenge everyone to make an extra cloth to donate.


  5. Mel your words truly do inspire. I managed to knit three cloths from the lovely pay
    Tater called almost lost on ravelry while doing the San Diego yarn crawl here in Cali. Can’t wait to see how many. Get done today. My mom is also knitting away. Thank you for allowing me to help make a difference


  6. I was really touched by this. I keep a small pile of knitted cloths for easy gifts and RAKs for friends. I love the idea of sending my RAKs to the people of Haiti. As I was pulling out cloths to send I was also impressed by the various bright colors. Think of the joy people will receive when something bright and cheerful is given to them.


  7. This is a wonderful, wonderful idea. I won’t be able to send anything for your collection as it likely wouldn’t make it in time due to slow international post. But it’s such a great idea, and it will spur me on further to make more charity items. Thank you, Mel – such an important thing to remind us all to do.


  8. Pingback: Giveaway Winner AND a Facebook Update

  9. Pingback: #SimplyShare | linnstercrafts

  10. linnstercrafts says:

    2 knit and going to knit 3 more after which if I have time i will weave a couple as well on my new Martha Stewart Knit and Weave Loom Kit I purchased for 40% off at Michael’s Craft Store! The knitted ones are hand knit. Double strand Sugar ‘n Cream cotton yarn, co 22 sts, knit 31 rows using size 10.5 US needles.


  11. Pingback: Trading Ashes for Beauty | WITH∞MEL

  12. Pingback: A Little Love Goes A Long Way | WITH∞MEL

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