6 Bits, patterns

First Monday Night of 2016

The year is 2016

Did I really just type the number 2016?!?

{the sound of a record being scratched should be cued right now! You know the sound I mean}

Holy cow! 2016? Is it me or did I just miss the last 300 and something days?

Well let’s catch up, shall we?

2015 was a great year, not an easy year at all, and it didn’t wrap up all nice and neat and tidy. But it had so many beautiful moments that I am putting it in with the past 40 years as ones I will look back over and think of pleasant moments with amazing people. And with much much knitting!

At a glance 2015 was packed with some knitting I absolutely loved!


And that’s just some of the year!

And now I can get excited about 2016 knits too! Here’s a small peek! If you want to see more the 6 Bits Storybooks website has LOTS of eye candy!

There are loads of things on my To-Knit List from some other amazing designers! I look forward to knitting those soon!

What are you excited about knitting? I can’t wait to hear! So tell me! Maybe we have the same idea– or maybe you will introduce me to my dream project!

~With love and aloha in 2016,


6 Bits, audio, Uncategorized

Fine Things For Plain Occasions

Aloha and Happy Weekend–or any day that you find yourself reading this!

I hope this post gives you an opportunity to enjoy something beautiful from our world of knitting!

Etiquette Books Stacked

I had the opportunity to interview Hunter Hammersen on the podcast that aired last week (To listen to Episode 11 head here) It was SUCH a delightful time! She was gracious and wise, inspiring and funny! If you haven’t had the chance to listen, I encourage you to treat yourself to a listen now! We talked about so many things that are helpful and motivating for knitters, designers, people who breathe 😉

We also had some fun going through her new book which is based on, of all things, vintage etiquette books! The ideas and beliefs held in some of those books were…well…they were like what you see below!

The book includes 15 projects: socks, mitts, shawls, slippers, hats and a unique scarf-cowl. The layout of the book makes you want to make tea, sit down to a lovely spot near a window and enjoy at your leisure. Which is exactly what I plan to do for you now!



The beautiful shawl on the cover shown here

The beautiful shawl on the cover shown here

The little details with this book reinforce the need to cherish it and keep it safe in your knitting treasury 


To miss hearing Hunter share in her own words, chatting to you Dear Reader, is missing so much of the heart of this book. So give a listen! And when you do, you will hear about a free gift Hunter shares with all listeners. And they are perfect for last-minute gift knitting projects. Trust me! I know. I have banged out 2 pair already! I promise to show you them after Christmas as they really are last-minute gifts!

The Special Gift Pattern Just for Podcast Listeners

The Special Gift Pattern Just for Podcast Listeners

So, head over and hear all that Hunter has to share with you! And be sure to get your free gift that she created just for podcast listeners! And remember if you like what You hear, your friends might like to listen too! Share the podcast with them! The more the merrier!


In the spirit of full disclosure: I bought my own copy of this book from Hunter. She was super sweet and asked if she could gift me one, but I know how much work goes in to creating patterns and I wanted to support her creative work!  This book was well worth the investment!

~With love and Aloha,


6 Bits, words

Starting Strong

Knitters, don’t you just love all the promise of great things that starting a new project seems to hold?

Pick the pattern. Acquire the yarn. Get knitting!

Or maybe for you it is more akin to:

Struggle between 5 patterns… Waffle back and forth and back again between far too many yarn options…only to change your mind after returning from the Local Yarn Store… Start swatching…and then decide to skip the swatching and just go for it!

There are so many ways to begin a project. And why wouldn’t there be? We are, after all, unique individuals with so many clever ideas.

Today I invite you to listen to an episode on Starting Strong. It includes a free gift to download (and a simple easy way to have it delivered to your inbox if you live in the US)

So have a listen as you knit, or as you plan out your next project! Head here: https://www.podomatic.com/episodes/7815091

You can also get the show notes, iTunes link and download  by heading here & clicking on Episode 7: http://www.6bitsstorybooks.com/podcast/

Free PDF from 6 Bits Storybooks Podcast

6 Bits, giveaways


Did I scare you? 😉

I know it has been awhile! HOW ARE YOU?

Stop right now and fill me in!

Seriously. If you do you may be surprised to find a special treat headed your way!

>>Ok, if you did leave a comment catching me up on you, head back and “Reply” to your comment with your Ravelry name and I will happily gift you a pattern from my Ravelry store as a treat–not a trick! Give me the weekend to send you the pattern! Just be sure to comment before 1 November to receive the gift!<<

As for me, many of you know I have been quite busy! Knitting, knitting, and knitting, of course, but also with my new digital publication project: 6 Bits Storybooks.

I have the joy of working alongside the most creative of teams! Each member has a unique gift and a beautiful story to share. The team changes up a bit from issue to issue, which keeps us and readers on our toes!

There is also a fun podcast that focuses on deeper stories of knitters, dyers, friends… and each week the goal is to share a fun podcast AND quality content, something you can download to use! We have already shared some great teaching tools. Have any of you given a listen?

6 Bits

Golden Wood fro Issue 1: UNEARTH

Buckaloo View yarn with marigolds


Issue 1: UNEARTH really kept me busy these last weeks and months–and I am already in the winding down of things for our second issue! I am slowly filling adjusting to the new juggling routine.

What about you? What are things, major and minor, that have been part of your last few months that are teaching you new lessons? Do you find yourself enjoying moments of new discoveries? Are you unearthing activities you may have set aside for a season and now are moving forward with gusto? Or perhaps you are intentionally paring down things?

DO SHARE! Remember, the person popping on to the blog after you may just be needing to hear what YOU share!

Hoping this weekend is filled with pleasant surprises and wonderful treats!

My best Aloha is always for you,


Reflections from Brenda


(the beautiful images you see in this post are just a few from the 6 Bits Storybooks website and Issue 1: UNEARTH)



Grab Those Moments!

Waiting at the Dr’s office? Those knitting needles get clicking and you almost wish there had been one more person in front of you.  •••  Somebody else driving? A dozen more rows before the next stop!  •••  Coffee date? As long as it isn’t decaf (amen?!), I am down with SOCK KNITTING!

As knitters we look for moments to work our projects. We multi-task like champions.



I have been so busy preparing for the launch of 6 Bits Storybooks for Knitters that I have not been able to juggle what I love most about knitting—connecting with knitters.

Then yesterday happened…I spent just over 20 minutes sitting in real time, doing what amounted to a podcast, only I didn’t show one single bit of yarn AND I GOT INSTANT FEEDBACK FROM YOU DEAR ONES! It was easy and fun and instant!

It blew my mind!


{{That is Y.O.U!}}


We talked of helping our knitting community, ways to be our own cheerleader and I even gave away a free pattern!

During the chat I mention the 6 Bits publication and I was flooded with emails asking for more info. & sneak peeks, how you could spread the word and the free advertisement for Local Yarn Shops!

So to connect with you again and give you the scoop on things you are eager to know, I am chatting live tomorrow Aug 25th, 2015 at 4pm EST on Periscope**. We can connect on the beach tomorrow (weather and wind permitting!) I plan to share all about the awesome new adventure and give you an opportunity for special media about 6 Bits!

Give it a try! Steal away for 15-20 minutes tomorrow or just watch the recording if you can’t be there live!

Follow me on Periscope and twitter as MSkiKnits




**Periscope is a free app for tablets and smart phones/devices. You can communicate with me as well as other like minded participants without saying a word! You text and share emojis and give feedback, ask questions, INTERACT!

And PS. Pictured is an awesome collaborative work between myself and Infinite Twist that I am bursting to share!

6 Bits, Keeping In Touch, photos, Uncategorized


Aloha Friends!

{This post is going to be short in order to connect quickly with You! And if you make it to the end, there is a TREAT!}

YOU have been missed!

I recently un-plugged and got away for almost 2 weeks in order to organize things for the new adventure. I spent my time in a log cabin from the 1700s and a reconstructed boathouse from the 1800s. In posts ahead I will share more about those incredible places and the impact they had on my creativity.

Though I was Low-to-No-Tech during this time I thought of you Dear Reader. I was very aware of missing out on things that were happening in your world.  I looked forward to reconnecting, to hear and see all that you were creating and doing, where you were adventuring and relaxing!

Don’t ever forget that YOUR VOICE is important and valued! Your ideas and discoveries serve to encourage others. You bring a unique perspective. Your knitting projects, yarn and photos don’t have to be like everyone else’s. That would get boring fast now wouldn’t it?

While I was offline I realized that I wasn’t missing posting and telling others what I was doing. I missed finding out what others were discovering!

I look forward to connecting more! For now CATCH ME UP! How would you say Your summer has been? What are things You could share?

I hope the sun is shining on You wherever You are,


>>Ps. For those adventurous knitters that have the 6 Bits: Wander Collection Drumlin was added yesterday! And for the 48 hours if you gift the 6 Bits: Wander Collection to a friend on Ravelry, YOU get it free! (For those of you who missed the limited release of the collection and bought one of two patterns individually, this is a great cost saving way to ensure you get all the patterns, yarn articles and look book! The articles, look book and Overlook pattern are only available with the collection) You share and I share! After you gift the collection to a friend you receive and email from me within 24 hours with a unique Ravelry download code! This deal is available Wednesday July 29th- Friday July 31st midnight.


6 Bits, knitting, patterns


This lovely little shrug mixes 2 different yarns up in one pattern because why choose between them?

Sparrow and Kestrel do work well together, but Sparrow keeps its personality distinct and pulls in just a bit to add a great effect to the sleeves of Skyline!

If you ordered the 6 Bits: Wander collection your copy of Skyline has already been sent your way! For everyone else, Skyline will release 20 July.

Be sure to see what folks are saying about the 6 Bits collection!

And if you want a part of it join in by heading here!

And see what others are knitting from this collection by using #6BitsWander or #6BitsWanderKAL on Instagram and twitter!


My best Aloha to you!


6 Bits, collaborations

You have a story. Meet others that do too!

6 Bits Storybooks

You deserve to be inspired and enriched by stories and patterns as incredible as your own

{written in words, photos, yarns and friendships}

It has been quite the long journey putting all the pieces together, and now I am excited to offer you something to encourage, teach and delight you!

6 Bits Storybooks

Each themed collection is a collaborative endeavor with 6 unique knitting patterns crafted with your love of knitting and community in mind.

These quarterly publications from 6 Bits are opportunities for you to see beautiful places, discover interesting yarns, create among open-hearted teachers while you develop your talents.

You will feel the collaborative spirit of ohana on every page. In every possible way 6 Bits strives to bring you a publication that is as unique as you are!  Contributors are invited to share, create, develop; something I feel you will sincerely appreciate. Together we vision cast and laugh, we question and re-work, we cultivate friendships in the background of each and every collection.

And then we share everything with you!

Each 6 Bits Storybook will be available as limited time collections. Beautiful knits, educational and enriching articles, helpful substitution suggestions and ideas are included in every issue and delivered to your inbox so you can easily rewrite your knitting narrative!  You can subscribe right now for great savings!

Buy Now Button

Not sure what to expect?

Your subscription includes:

      • 4 storybook issues: Unearth in October, Dwell in January, Reflect in April and Return in July each with 6 assorted patterns
      •  4 collection exclusive patterns that will not release as individual patterns
      • Articles, stories and encouragement from inspirational artisans
      • Sourcing suggestions featured in every issue for yarns in the USA/North America as well as abroad. You will learn what can work for you in your corner of the world!
      • Storybook delivered to your inbox with a Ravelry code to add to your library
      • $46  for the year of 4 storybooks–less than $2 per pattern and $27 less than buying each collection as they release!

Buy Now Button

Discover intentionally. Recapture moments of importance. Learn more than just stitches.

You and your knitting are worth deeper connections.

In days ahead I look forward to introducing you to key members of the team!

For now I am just so stoked to share this with you! It has been a long time coming and lots of work, but if you have enjoyed the style and vibe of 6 Bits: Wander you are going to love what lies ahead!



6 Bits, knitting, patterns

Monday Morning Pattern!

Talus has been released.

Lovely ribbed cuffs

Long expanses of shaped stockinette

Interesting back detail

Trail from across the pond

It should be a peaceful adventure for your summer knitting

Front of TrailTrail by TreeTrail CuffTalus cuff view

Finished Measurements S(M,L,XL)

Across Back: 18(19,20,21) inches

Bottom edge of cuff to first bind off: 9 inches

Cuff to cuff (no ease allowance): 42 (43,44,45) in.

Cuff circumference: 12.25(13.5,14.75,16) in.

Each shrug half: 21(21.5, 22, 22.5) in.

Center back neck to hem: 12.5(14,16,17) in.

Buy it now by heading here!Talus back


Hope you like it!

